Dec. 9 SWOT COVID: How Asia/Pacific Companies Are Coping with Their New Global Paradigm Second in a series of special webinars sponsored by the International Trade Association of Greater Chicago with Pacific Tango Group. The Global Paradigm Shift we talked about eight...
Dec. 10 UK Immigration – Post Election Join us as Ian Robinson and Cynthia Shearn provide an update on the new UK immigration routes and implications for business. For information & registration, please see...
Nov 23 The Next Trade Agenda: Discussion With Congressman Jimmy Panetta (D-CA) Sponsored by the Washington International Trade Association with the American Leadership Initiative Presentation by Congressman Jimmy Panetta (D-CA), a member of the House Ways and Means...
Nov. 24 Export Working Capital & Credit Insurance Virtual Manufacturing Export Forum sponsored by the Technology & Manufacturing Association and First American Bank. Presentations by Daniel Pische, First American Bank, and Lee Fahrenz, Euler Hermes North...
Nov. 24 Localization Strategy: Optimizing Online Presence for Global Expansion Sponsored by the Illinois SBDC International Trade Center, Business Development Center, College of DuPage. Topics include: Definition of localization; The key elements in a localization...
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